The vice-dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Kinga Laczkóné TURZÓ, PhD (in physics), associate professor at the Department of Oral Biology and Experimental Dental Research, held her habilitation lectures on 14 of February 2014.
In her public lectures she proved her academic and scientific skills and she presented her scientific results in the field of biointegration of alloplastic materials.
Academic lecture in Hungarian:
„Orofaciális implantológia anyagtani vonatkozásai: biokompatibilitás, mechanikai szilárdság és technológiai alkalmasság”
Academic lecture in English:
„Material science aspects of orofacial implantology: biocompatibility, mechanical strength and technological requirements”
Scientific lecture:
„Titán fogászati implantátumok fizikai-kémiai és biokémiai felületmódosításainak vizsgálata (Study of the physical-chemical and biochemical surface modifications of titanium dental implants)”
The chairman of the habilitation committee was Prof. Dr. András PALKÓ, opponents were Prof. Dr. Csaba HEGEDŰS (Debrecen) and Prof. Dr. Gábor VARGA (Budapest). Two leading professors of the University of Szeged were the members of the committee: Prof. Dr. László ROVÓ and Dr. Jr. Zoltán RAKONCZAY.
We congratulate on the success of Dr. Kinga TURZÓ in the name of the Faculty of Dentistry!