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“Senator Honoris Causa" title was awarded to Prof. Daniel Buser on the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry


The 11th of November is an illustrious day in the calendar of our University: this is the Day of the University of Szeged. Every year we honor the memory of the foundation of the University with a traditional ceremony.

On this event in accordance with the decision of the Senate of the University of Szeged, we express our gratitude by giving a title as a recognition of any outstanding public or artistic work or significant moral or financial support to our university or one of its units.


The title “Senator Honoris Causa” was awarded to Professor Daniel Buser, professor of University of Bern on the 15th of November 2014, on the Honorable Senate Session of the University of Szeged.


Professor Daniel Buser graduated at the University of Bern. Following his postgraduate program he earned a PhD degree in oral surgery and stomatolgy. As a young professional he carried out research in the United States, spent two years at Harvard’s Department of Periodontolgy and a one-year academic sabbatical at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, as well as in Melbourne, Australia.

His exceptional professional capabilities and competence is proven by his impressive Curriculum, the number and quality of his publications, his participation in several international research projects and his outstanding teaching activity.

His professional carrier has connected him to the Department of Oral Surgery, University of Bern, where he first became an Associate Professor, then Acting Chairman and executive chairman of the School of Medicine.

He served as the president of various academic associations. Most recently, he was President of ITI, the world’s largest association in the field of implant dentistry.

He received several scientific awards by professional organizations, he was recently honoured by a Professorship at the University of Buenos Aires and the Brånemark Osseointegration Award in the USA.

He has authored more than 300 publications and several text books such as Guided Bone Regeneration and ITI Treatment Guides. He is an acknowledged speaker of international scientific conferences all around the world.

Professor Buser and his staff cherishes a long-standing scientific and educational relationship with our Faculty.

In this fruitful cooperation between the institutions, 12 postdoctoral students have spent study visits in Bern and several articles have been published with the staff of the University of Bern, namely with Sofia Aroca, Anton Sculean and Christoph Ramseier.

Considering the above mentioned, the title „Senator Honoris Causa” expresses our deepest pride, gratitude and appreciation toward Professor Buser for his lifetime achievement and for showing an exceptional commitment towards the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Szeged.


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