News  --  Archive News  --  2014
Season's Greetings



The 11th of November is an illustrious day in the calendar of our University: this is the Day of the University of Szeged. Every year we honor the memory of the foundation of the University with a traditional ceremony.

Day of the University of Szeged 2014 - Invitation_2014_FOK

The Dean’s call on Ebola outbreak


Dear Students,

For epidemiological reasons and for your own health, the management of the university advise students not to travel to countries involved in the current Ebola outbreak (Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone)in the near future or during winter break period.

Professor Katalin Nagy


Faculty of Dentistry



EDSA 2015 Riga

Three students of the University of Szeged are the first in Hungary to be official members of The European Dental Students` Association (EDSA) in 2015. The main reason for joining is the fact that Szeged will host the 2nd 2015 meeting of the EDSA, as well as the 2015 ADEE meeting. This is the reason why the three of us have been asked to participate in EDSA meetings in order to obtain knowledge about the program and general organization of such meetings as well as to learn more about the EDSA itself.




Deadline for submission is

6 August, 2014.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Habilitation - Kinga Laczkóné TURZÓ, PhD

Kinga Laczkóné TURZÓ, PhD


Professor Michele G. Shedlin

EFP 2014 Paris

This year started with an amazing conference in Paris. It was held 6-7th of February.

Prof. Massiomo De Sancis in Szeged


Dr. Gábor Braunitzer, lecturer of the Faculty of Dentistry visited New York University to strengthen the scientific cooperation between the two institutions.

Conference of the University of Szeged Faculty of Dentistry 2014

Szeged, May 9-10 2014


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